LORD leather is a top-notch product from the Dusini Tannery. From the outside, it has a dark colour, old-looking, also agreeable. LORD product is exclusively offered as cut soles, also with the possibility of choosing a wide range of colours that penetrate within the section. It’s a high-level tanned leather. It finally gains a perspiration identical to the natural leather, but with such a strong resistance to the transition of water that this enables us to call it water resistant. Anti-capillary effect is extended to all the leather sections. The cost is moderate and lined up with a normal \\\"stained-in-barrel\\\" leather.
Leather for men's/women's soles. Leather for welts and handicraft. Punched soles for men's/women's shoes. Injected, lasered, embossed and water resistant soles. Rolls for oily welts