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  • Company SAN MARTIN, S.L.
  • Leather Calf sides
  • Tanning Chrome
  • Finishing Natural finished
  • Color Brown
  • Thickness 1.2-1.4 mm
  • Market destination Footwear Leathergoods Men's footwear Men's footwear Free Time Children's footwear Women's shoes Footwear Upper Leathergoods Bags Men's footwear Classical Men's footwear Sports

Coba is a calf leather article, naturally finished very suitably for all our destination sectors. Footwear, leather goods, accessories, etc. All our calf leather width is between 1.3-14 mm, which makes the leather stronger for highly delicate manufacture. Coba is an archaeological site of the pre-Columbian Mayan culture, located in the southeast of Mexico, in the territory that is now the state of Quintana Roo, about ninety kilometers east of Chichén Itzá and about forty northwest of Tulum.

COBA produced by


P.I.C.A. C/ITALIA 56-59 - 03600 ELDA (alicante) Spain
T. 0034-966950481 E.

Other products by SAN MARTIN, S.L.