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  • Company SAN MARTIN, S.L.
  • Leather Goats / kids
  • Tanning Chrome
  • Finishing Suede
  • Color Grey
  • Thickness 0.8 -1.0 mm
  • Market destination Footwear Leathergoods Women's shoes Classical Women's shoes Sports Children's footwear Footwear Upper Women's shoes Women's shoes Free Time
Grafeno is a goat suede leather article, using different techniques for finishing. A fantasy article based on the Autumn-Winter 2021 patterns and colors. Grafeno evolves from its surface. Graphene is a substance composed of pure carbon, with atoms arranged in a regular hexagonal pattern, similar to graphite. It is an almost transparent material. A one-atom-thick sheet is about 200 times stronger than today's strongest steel, its density more or less the same as that of carbon fiber, and about five times lighter than aluminum. We present Grafeno together wit all its variant possibilities and colours.

GRAFENO produced by


P.I.C.A. C/ITALIA 56-59 - 03600 ELDA (alicante) Spain
T. 0034-966950481 E.

Other products by SAN MARTIN, S.L.